Camping and Cold Weather: Winter camping in the UK!

Camping in cold weather in the UK can be a tricky but rewarding experience. With the correct kit and preparation, you can still enjoy the beauty of the British countryside – even in the depths of winter when its cold and damp!

Photo by Kampus Production on

Get the Right Kit!

The first step when planning a cold-weather camping trip is to choose the appropriate kit:

  1. A good quality sleeping bag that is rated for low temperatures is crucial, as well as a warm sleeping mat to insulate you from the cold ground.
  2. A four-season tent that can withstand strong winds and heavy rain is also essential.
  3. Remember to bring warm clothing, including a waterproof coat and trousers, insulated boots, gloves and a hat.
  4. With the early evenings setting in its important to bring camping lanterns or head torches.

Pick the right campsite.

When choosing a campsite, look for one that is sheltered from the wind. A campsite which allows a fire pit is also a good option, as you can use it to cook and keep warm.

Think about any additional requirements you may have in the winter then you wouldn’t in the summer – for instance a heated shower block and indoor toilets may be one of your requirement rather than Eco showers and toilets. You may choose to go to a site with more facilities such as a club house or games rooms to ensure there are activities for the kids even when the rain doesn’t stop, or you may choose to continue with a back to basics campsite (which are our preferred summer sites).

If you are going camping in the cooler months for the first time with kids, i suggest getting a site with more facilities then you normally would just to test the water and see how you get on – it is a holiday, not an exercise in perseverance!

Deciding on EHU (Electric hook-up)

If we go out of the standard UK camping season (April – September) we will choose a camp site with EHU, for many reasons, but mainly i don’t like to be cold.

If you are camping with Kids or have camped in the summer and been cold or found aspects difficult its great to consider a campsite that has EHU. If it removes a barrier to camping outside of the traditional camping season then why not!

Having EHU means that we can run an oil radiator, have good lighting and options for cooking inside the tent for rainy days. It also means we can bring a hair dryer to dry the dog!

Check the weather!

Camping is an enjoyable experience at an time of the year – with the right preparation and kit – I am a strong advocate of the saying there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing. Welly boots and a rain mac and you are good to go.

However, it’s important to be aware of the weather forecast and plan accordingly as camping can be dangerous in high winds and heavy rain.

Overall, camping in cold weather in the UK can be a great way to experience the beauty of the British countryside, with the correct kit, preparation, and mindset, you can enjoy a comfortable and safe camping trip.

Happy camping!

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