How to get your kids to sleep when camping!

We have camped with the Kid since he was around 6 months old, so he has been used to
sleeping in tents, but getting a good nights sleep is important for all when trying to enjoy your camping holiday. Here are some top tips to help getting your littles to sleep whilst camping:

Invest in a Black out Tent
Tents can be bright and have a greenhouse effect which impacts on temperature control.
When buying your tent make sure your tent has back out sections – it not only regulates the
temperature but also keeps the pod darker for attempting bedtimes. We currently use the Coleman Mackenzie 6 Blackout 6 Man tent which has worked brilliantly for us!

Coleman Mackenzie 6 Blackout 6 Man tent; pitched at Chiltern Retreat May 2022

Think about Adjusting bedtime before you travel
We have never been the strictest with bedtime routines, but I understand some parents and
children need the bedtime routine to function. In the summer months when the days are
long, and the sun is still shining at 7 – campsites can often still be noisy. Adjusting bedtime
routine before you head off can really help with settling the kids to sleep in a new environment as a slightly later time.

Prepare for Temperature fluctuations
Even in the summer, nights in a tent can get chilly! Make sure that the kids have layers that
can easily be removed/added depending on the temperature.

Test drive any new sleeping arrangements before you camp
Its a great idea to test drive any new sleeping arrangements at home before you rock up at the campsite; if you are putting them in a new ready bed, camp bed, travel cot or other its worth testing this out at home in advance, so there isn’t a surprise on the first night!

Noise control
Campsites can be noisy – sound travels even when its just someone chatting round a
campfire. If you have a noise sensitive child white noise machines / apps can help drown out
any ambient noise and help settle the little ones to sleep!

What are your top tips for the kids getting a good nights sleep when camping?

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